Plans & Pricing

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Feature Comparison
Tool usage10/month3000/monthUnlimited
Product PhotographyLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
AI Photo EditorLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Gen AI tools
AI Art GeneratorLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Object ReplacerLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Background GeneratorLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Text to ImageLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Reverse Image promptLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
AI Stock ImagesLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
AI Tattoo ArtLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Image ExtenderLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Image EnhancerLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Image UpscalerLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Object RemoverLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Photo RestorationLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Fix LightningLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Image ColorizerLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Text Art GeneratorLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
AI Vector ArtLimitedgreen-checkUnlimited
Pay per use tools
AI Avatarred-crossgreen-checkgreen-check
AI Photoshootred-crossgreen-checkgreen-check
  • What are the pricing options available on Phot.AI?

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    Phot.AI offers both free and premium pricing options. The premium options include monthly and annual subscription plans.

  • What features are included in the free version of Phot.AI?

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    The free version of Phot.AI provides access to basic photo editing and design features. However, certain advanced features and premium assets may be limited or require a subscription. You can check the feature comparison on the pricing page.

  • How much does a Phot.AI premium subscription cost?

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    The cost of a Phot.AI premium subscription depends on the plan you choose, such as monthly or annual. The pricing details are given above.

  • Can I cancel my Phot.AI subscription at any time?

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    Yes, you can cancel your Phot.AI subscription anytime. If you cancel during your subscription period, you will still have access to the premium features until the end of that billing cycle.

  • Is there a trial period available for the Phot.AI subscription?

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    Phot.AI offers both free and subscribed plans. At the moment, we do not offer a trial period for the premium plan. However, you can still experience the features and benefits of Phot.AI through our free plan.

  • What payment methods does Phot.AI accept?

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    Phot.AI accepts credit and debit cards as payment methods.

  • Can I upgrade or downgrade my Phot.AI subscription plan?

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    Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your Phot.AI subscription plan at any time. Simply go to your dashboard and switch to the desired plan.